자본주의 국가 미국READ 2015. 7. 10. 18:00
자본의 결합체 할리우드 영화가 전하는
자본주의 국가 미국에 대한 정의...
첫 번째는 Cosmopolis. 출처는 동명의 들 릴로의 소설 원작.
“Money has lost its narrative quality the way painting did once upon a time. Money is talking to itself.”
"Look at those numbers running. Money makes time. It used to be the other way around. Clock time accelerated the rise of capitalism. People stopped thinking about eternity. They began to concentrate on hours, measurable hours,man-hours, using labor more efficiently.”
두 번째는 영화 Killing Them Softly의 마지막 대사.
살인청부업자 브래드 피트는 임무를 완수했지만 중간에 일이 꼬였다는 이유로
중개인으로부터 원래 계약대로 돈을 받을 수 없다는 통보를 받자,
불쾌해하며 중개인에게 아래와 같이 말을 한다.
배경으로는 아마도 오바마 대통령의 당선 인사말이 방송되는 중.
[Obama: To reclaim the American dream
and reaffirm that fundamental
truth that out of many,
we are one.]My friend.*
Jefferson's an American saint...
because he wrote the words,
"All men are created equal"...
words he clearly didn't believe,
since he allowed his own
children to live in slavery.
He was a rich wine snob who was sick
of paying taxes to the Brits...
so yeah, he wrote some lovely
words and aroused the rabble...
and they went out
and died for those words...
while he sat back and drank his wine
and f---ed his slave girl.
This guy** wants to tell me
we're living in a community.
Don't make me laugh.
I'm living in America,
and in America, you're on your own.
America's not a country.
It's just a business.
Now f---ing pay me.위 My friend--중개인
This guy--텔레비전 속 오바마