스튜어트 홀이 세상을 떠났음. 향년 82세.
어제 우연히 이 분의 "Encoding, Decoding" 에세이를 다시 찾아볼 일이 있었는데...
옛날 영미문화 수업 교재에는 이 분의 문화연구 이론이 실려있어
1학년생들이 쉽게 잘 이해할 수 있도록 나름 애썼던 기억도 남.
부고기사를 보다 우연히 찾은 홀의 2012년 가디언 지 인터뷰:
The Saturday Interview: Stuart Hall
홀의 부고는 거의 모든 국내 주요 일간지에 실림.
그의 사상이 그만큼 한국 사회에 파장을 주었거나 줄 수 있을까?
위 인터뷰 중 국가의료서비스(National Health Service) 관련 대목:
"How can millions of people have benefited from the NHS and not be on the streets to defend it? Come on. The NHS is one of the most humanitarian acts that has ever been undertaken in peace time. The principle that someone shouldn't profit from someone else's ill health has been lost. If someone says an American health company will run the NHS efficiently, nobody can think of the principle to refute that. The guiding principles have been lost." There was a study recently investigating why America, which spends more per capita on health, has worse outcomes, and the answer was quite clear: when there is a profit motive, the rich are overinvestigated, and the poor are undertreated. People die needlessly.
So there's quite a sound pragmatic argument against private involvement in health, but Hall's is a blistering moral statement – who would profit from someone's ill health? What sort of person would that be? Would you trust them with your budget, let alone your health, or the health of a loved one? The moral case is not being forcefully enough put; indeed, it is not being put at all.
Being human and all that, and 80, Hall has observed the NHS at close range recently; following a diagnosis of renal failure, he spent seven years on dialysis, but by that time, "it's killing you and keeping you alive at the same time". This was a very profound experience. "It gives you a different conception of yourself, a different conception of yourself in relation to others. Your wife becomes your carer. For God's sake!"
출처: http://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/feb/10/stuart-hall-cultural-legacy-britain-godfather-multiculturalism